Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Plane in Bahrain Falls Mainly on Lybia

First of all, I'm pissed that someone came up with the term "Libyerate" mere hours before I thought of it. But this isn't about me (much). What's the price of Libyeration anyway? It seems to be climbing rapidly. Missiles cost about $1 million each; we've hucked a couple hundred of those so far. The plane that crashed today was $30 million to make (about 40+ in today's dollars), but it sounds like they're going to replace it with a plane that costs about $130 million. The important thing—for me anyway, as a "supporter of the troops"—is that the pilots were rescued. Whew. Good thing we're getting rid of money grubbing unions to pay for all of this.

In unrelated (?) news, do Phillip Anschutz and his "be excellent to each other" ad campaign, backed by his billions, make anyone else nervous?

Again, though, I really have nothing to say. I just wanted a pretext for another face morph, this time inspired by the commander of Libya Dance Party 2K11, Carter Ham (mmmm, ham).

Oh yeah, and today's artistic endeavor (which finally allowed me to use the silkscreen inks I bought 3½ years ago). War is the new black.


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